Legislation, Regulations and Rules
As the province’s financial and consumer services regulator, we administer several statutes and regulations. The legislative framework in the Financial and Consumer Services Commission Act (FCNB Act), and in many other Acts we administer, provides FCNB with specific rule-making authorities, including the authority to make rules governing fees and other charges. Using our expertise, we create and implement rules that provide us additional flexibility to respond to market and/or product changes. The rule-making process includes a mandatory consultation period during which stakeholders are encouraged to comment and provide feedback on the proposed new rule or change. Visit this page to find proposed rules and changes out for comment. Once in force, rules are legally binding, the same as Acts and Regulations.
The following table outlines FCNB’s regulatory framework:
Name | Description |
Legislation / Regulation |
Rules |
Interpretation Bulletins/Notices |
General Information |
Please select a topic to view the associated Act, regulations, and rules:
- Financial and Consumer Services Commission
- Auctioneers
- Collection and Debt Settlement
- Commissioners of Oaths
- Consumer Product Warranty and Liability
- Cooperatives
- Cost of Credit and Payday Loans
- Credit Unions
- Credit Reporting Services
- Direct Sellers
- Financial Advisors and Financial Planners Title Protection
- Franchises
- Gift Cards
- Insurance
- Loan and Trust Companies
- Mortgage Brokers
- Nursing Homes Pension Plans
- Pension Benefits
- Pooled Registered Pension Plans
- Pre-arranged Funeral Services
- Real Estate Agents
- Securities
- Securities Transfer
- Unclaimed Property
Financial and Consumer Services Commission Act
Regulation 2014-18: Rule-making Procedure Regulation
Rule CO-001 Conflict of Interest
Rule CO-002 Procedure for distribution of disgorged funds
Regulation 2018-69: Financial and Consumer Services Tribunal Regulation
Auctioneers Licence Act
Regulation 85-133: Fees Regulation
Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act
Regulation 84-256: General Regulation
Rule CDSS-001 Debt Settlement Services
Notice of Adoption - Rule CDSS-001
Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act
Regulation 84-31: Fees Order - Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act
Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act
Cooperatives Act
Notice of Rule COOP-001 General and COOP-002 Fees
Notice of Adoption COOP-001 General and COOP-002 Fees
Cost of Credit Disclosure and Payday Loans Act
Regulation 2010-104: General Regulation
Regulation: 2017-23: Payday Lending Regulation
Rule PDL-001 Payday Loans Licensing and Ongoing Obligations (Consolidated up to 15 February 2019)
Rule PDL-002 Fees (Consolidated up to 15 February 2019)
Rule PDL-001 Payday Loans Licensing and Ongoing Obligations
Notice of Adoption PDL-001 Payday Loans Licensing and Ongoing Obligations and PDL-002 Fees
Credit Unions Act
Regulation 2019-31: Deposit Insurance Regulation
Notice of Rule CU-001 General and CU-002 Networking
Notice of Adoption CU-001 General and CU-002 Networking
Credit Reporting Services Act
Rule CRS-001 Credit Reporting Services Licensing and Ongoing Obligations
Rule CRS-003 Credit Repair Agreements and Prohibited Representations
Notice of Adoption - Rule CRS-001, Rule CRS-002, Rule CRS-003
Direct Sellers Act
Regulation 84-151: General Regulation
Financial Advisors and Financial Planners Title Protection Act
Franchises Act
Regulation 2010-92: Disclosure Document Regulation
Regulation 2010-93: Mediation Regulation
Gift Cards Act
Regulation 2008-152: General Regulation
Insurance Act
Regulation 90-6: Uninsured Automobile and Unidentified Automobile Coverage Regulation
Regulation 2003-15: Prohibited Underwriting Practices Regulation
Regulation 2003-20: Injury Regulation
Regulation 2004-139: Automobile Rating Classification Regulation
Regulation 2004-140: Recently Licensed Driver Rate Reduction Regulation
Regulation 2004-141: Fault Determination Regulation
Regulation 2006-32: New Brunswick Insurance Board Regulation
Regulation 2009-85: Levy Interest Rate Regulation
Regulation 2012-52: Classes of Insurance Regulation
Regulation 2012-53: Compensation Association Regulation
Rule INS-001 Insurance Intermediaries Licensing and Obligations
Ministerial Consent - Rule INS-001 and Rule INS-002
Rule INS-001 Insurance Intermediaries Licensing and Obligations (pending ministerial approval)
Rule INS-002 Insurance Fees (pending ministerial approval)
Notice of Adoption - Rule INS-001 and Rule INS-002
Regulation 83-197: Licence and Examination Fees for Agents and Brokers Regulation
Regulation 84-73: Licence Revival Fee Regulation
Regulation 85-11: Damage Appraisers Regulation
Regulation 94-142: Assessment Regulation
Regulation 95-5: Agents and Brokers Regulation
Regulation 2003-36: Life Insurance Agent Licensing Regulation
Regulation 2009-52: Adjusters Regulation
Loan and Trust Companies Act
Regulation 92-47: General Regulation
Mortgage Brokers Act
23 March 2020 Blanket Order MB
Rule MB-001 Licensing and Ongoing Obligations (Consolidated up to 1 October 2018)
Rule MB-002 Mortgage Brokers Fees (Consolidated up to 1 October 2018)
Guidelines to Rule MB-001 Licensing and Ongoing Obligations - Updated 1 October 2018
Rule MB-001 Licensing and Ongoing Obligations (Adopted 1 April 2016)
Rule MB-002 Fees (Adopted 1 April 2016)
1 October 2018 Notice of Adoption of Amendments MB-001 and MB-002
1 October 2018 Amendment Instrument to Rule MB-001
1 October 2018 Amendment Instrument to Rule MB-002
15 December 2015 - Notice of Adoption MB-001 and MB-002
Nursing Homes Pension Plans Act
Regulation 2010-109: General Regulation
Pension Benefits Act
Regulation 91-195: General Regulation
Regulation 2005-157: St. Anne-Nackawic Pension Plans Regulation
Regulation 2012-75: Shared Risk Plans Regulation
Regulation 2014-112: Fraser Papers' Shared Risk Plans Regulation
Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act
General Regulation 2022-47: Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act
Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act
Regulation 88-32: General Regulation
Regulation 94-122: Compensation Fund Regulation
Real Estate Agents Act
Regulation 85-24: General Regulation
Securities Act
Regulation 2010-127: Rule-making Procedure Regulation
Regulation 2012-97: Forms Regulation
Regulatory Instruments Database
Securities Transfer Act
Unclaimed Property Act
Rule UP-001 Unclaimed Property - General
Rule UP-002 Unclaimed Property Fees