Fullsail Capital Markets Development Initiative
Fullsail is our overarching capital markets development initiative with the goal of stimulating and supporting the development of New Brunswick capital markets. Fullsail accomplishes this by:
- continuing research and consultation on capital markets issues
- serving New Brunswick’s issuers and markets
- enhancing the state of entrepreneurship through education and encouraging capital markets infrastructure development
- providing credible, knowledgeable advice to policymakers and program developers
- advancing the interests of issuers and markets with our stakeholders
- engaging with key stakeholders to further areas of mutual interest and opportunity
Request a presentation
Want to learn more about how Fullsail can help you? Fullsail educational presentations, called Learning the Ropes, are part of the Fullsail capital markets development initiative.
They are offered all around New Brunswick, at no cost, and are available in both official languages. We work with chambers of commerce, business groups, non-profit associations, economic development agencies, and other stakeholders to create and present Learning the Ropes sessions on various topics such as Community Economic Development Corporations (CEDCs), crowdfunding, equity financing, and more.
If you would like to book a presentation for your group, please contact us.
Capital markets research
As part of FCNB's Fullsail capital markets development initiative, we strive to help stakeholders understand the components of New Brunswick’s capital markets and provide tools to analyze emerging trends. Our capital markets reports, dashboards, and supporting infographics help stakeholders visualize trends and identify areas for development.