Reconnect with your forgotten money
Do you remember getting the rental deposit back from that apartment you rented several years ago? Are you the beneficiary of a forgotten investment account from a loved one who passed? Did you receive your security deposit when you closed your NB Power account at your last residence?
Every year, hundreds of thousands of dollars go unclaimed in New Brunswick. In fact, more than $30 million of unclaimed property was reported to the Financial and Consumer Services Commission in 2023 - and some of that could be yours!
Searching for your unclaimed money is easy with FundsFinderNB.ca, an online tool that allows you to search for and claim your unclaimed money.
What is unclaimed property?
Unclaimed property is money and other monetary property held by businesses, government organizations and other institutions (holders) that has been forgotten by its owners. In some cases, the rightful owners cannot be found, or do not know about the existence of the property.
The most common types of unclaimed property in New Brunswick are:
- Overpayments and refunds
- Investment accounts
- Security deposits
- Amounts payable under a life insurance contract
- Deposits in a provincially regulated financial institution, like credit unions
What is NOT unclaimed property?
The Unclaimed Property Program does not cover the following:
- Real estate
- Furniture
- Animals
- Vehicles
- Forgotten money in federally regulated bank accounts (the Bank of Canada has its own unclaimed property program)
Why does it matter to you?
The short answer is, who doesn’t want their money back? Whether it’s money that was yours and has been forgotten about, or it’s money that you may have never known existed, like an inheritance, it should be returned to you. The good news is, FundsFinderNB.ca is a free online tool that you can use to search and claim your property. What’s better than finding forgotten cash? Nothing! Search your name today.