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Under the Securities Act, S.N.B. 2004, c. S.5-5, an individual or firm must be registered with FCNB to act as a dealer or adviser if they are in the business of trading or advising in securities or derivatives in New Brunswick, unless a registration exemption applies. FCNB staff review applications for registration from dealers and advisers who are in the business of trading or advising in New Brunswick. Compliance staff regularly conduct compliance reviews on the operations and practices of registered firms and the disclosure of issuers. Staff participate on national Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) committees respecting the development and drafting of securities laws and policies.

Staff encourage Fintech businesses seeking to offer innovative products, services, and applications to register and/or obtain exemptive relief from securities laws requirements. The CSA Regulatory Sandbox allows a Fintech business to test their products, services, and applications on a time-limited basis.

National Registration Database

The National Registration Database (NRD) is the national electronic registration system for securities dealers and advisers. This system allows individuals to submit their registration applications, and dealers and advisers to make selected filings electronically.

To check your status or your NRD number, or for other information, please contact FCNB directly.

The firm must enroll with NRD as part of the initial registration process. Here is information on the NRD enrolment process.

NRD user-fee information and payment method can be found here and the regulatory fee is outlined in each jurisdiction’s fee rule. For initial firm application, the firm may opt to pay regulatory fees by cheque or through NRD once the firm enrolment is completed.

The application can be sent by email to or mail to:

Financial and Consumer Services Commission
Securities Division
85 Charlotte Street, suite 300, Saint John, NB E2L 2J2

FCNB staff will review the application in a timely manner and will communicate with the firm by providing comments and/or requesting additional information when necessary. An incomplete or deficient application will delay the review process.