Submit a Complaint
If you have concerns about the conduct of a person or company with whom you’ve had a transaction or experience, you can submit a formal complaint here. But first, you may want to try addressing the issue with the individual or the company representative directly—this is often all it takes to solve the situation.
If you’re not satisfied with the response received from this conversation, follow the organization’s formal internal complaint process. Formal complaints must usually be made in writing.
When filing a formal complaint, remember to:
- state the facts, why you think there is a problem and what you would like to happen
- provide copies of all the available documentation such as brochures, account statements and copies of contracts and medical information, if appropriate. Keep the originals.
- keep a record of whom you talked to and what was said.
- ask for a final position letter that clearly states your insurer’s final decision regarding your complaint.
If you’re still not satisfied with the response received, then please complete the form below to submit a formal complaint.
FCNB administers and enforces legislation in the mortgage brokers, payday lenders, real estate, securities, insurance, pensions, credit unions, trust and loan companies, collection agencies, co-operatives, and a wide range of other consumer legislation. If your complaint relates to an area outside of FCNB’s regulated areas, or if there is an organization that can provide additional support, we may refer you to the appropriate reporting agency or organization.
Information submitted online through FCNB’s Submit a Comment or Submit a Complaint form will be used to respond to your inquiry or complaint, and is governed by our Privacy Policy and The Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act of New Brunswick and the Financial and Consumer Services Act.
Should you have any questions about the collection of your personal information please contact:
Privacy Designate
Financial and Consumer Services Commission
85 Charlotte Street, Suite 300
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2L 2J2
1 866 933-2222