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Act and Regulations

New Brunswick’s securities laws consist of the Securities Act itself, rules or regulations made under the Securities Act, and any decisions made by FCNB or its Executive Director. FCNB also issues notices, which outline FCNB’s viewpoint on securities markets in New Brunswick.

FCNB is responsible for the administration of New Brunswick’s securities laws and has authority to make rules for the purposes of carrying out the Securities Act.

Securities regulations are created by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council. The General Regulation establishes the process FCNB must follow to create rules and conduct hearings.

Securities Act

Consolidated version of Securities Act

Chap.# Title Royal Assent


An Act to Amend the Securities Act

June 13, 2012


An Act to Amend the Securities Act

December 13, 2013


An Act to Amend the Securities Act

Notice from New Brunswick Securities Commission

December 21, 2011


An Act to Amend the Securities Act

June 28, 2016


An Act to Amend the Securities Act

May 21, 2014


An Act to Amend the Securities Act

June 19, 2009


An Act to Amend the Securities Act

April 30, 2008


An Act to Amend the Securities Act

May 30, 2007


Securities Act  

June 8, 2004


Consolidated regulations:

2012-97  - November 27, 2012

2010-127 - consolidated up to November 27, 2012

2004-66 – Repealed (replaced by 2010-127)



Title of Regulation

Date Filed


Securities, Forms

November 27, 2012


Securities, Amendment to Rule-making Procedure


November 27, 2012


Securities, Rule-making Procedure

August 31, 2010


Securities, Amendment to General


July 9, 2008


Securities, General


June 30, 2004

Rules, policies, orders, and notices

A number of regulatory instruments, such as rules and orders, are used to administer the requirements of New Brunswick’s securities laws. Most regulatory instruments are numbered according to the Canadian Securities Administrator’s numbering system.

To view these, both proposed and final, visit rules, policies, orders, and notices.

Proposed rules and policies

To add your feedback on rules and policies that are currently out for public comment, visit proposed rules and policies.